Sunday, August 16, 2009

SWAL or SWL - Terminology

(tulisan ini diceduk dari email yang diterima menerusi MARES yahoo group...)

Salam sejahtera

Untuk perhatian semua di e-group ini, hanya di Malaysia sahaja digunakan 'term' SWAL (Short Wave Amateur Listener). Negara-negara lain di dunia tidak menggunakan 'term' itu sebab ianya tidak wujud. Yang wujud, dan yang betul, ialah SWL - Short Wave Listener. Memandangkan band HF amator terkandung di dalam katogari Short Wave maka mereka yang mendengar band amator di HF juga di panggil Short Wave Listener (SWL) dan bukan SWAL. 'Term' SWAL tidak wujud di mana-mana, baik di peringkat International Telecommunication Unium (ITU) mau pun di American Radio Relay League (ARRL) atau Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) atau mana-mana persatuan/badan radio amator.

Short Wave adalah dari ,lebih-kurang, 1MHz hingga ke 30MHz, tak kira apa 'mode' yang dipergunakan. Mereka-meraka yang minat mendengar frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dari 30MHz tidak dinamakan SWL sebab ianya, yang lebih dari 30MHz itu, bukanlah diistilahkan sebabai Short Wave. Sekiranya 'term' SWAL digunakan apabila anda memancar di band HF amator, nescaya selurun dunia akan hairan apa yang dimaksudkan oleh anda dan ianya akan menyebabkan kekeliruran. Oleh yang demikian, jangan guna sama sekali 'term' SWAL tetapi gunalah 'term' SWL yang mana ianya adalah yang betul. Terima kasih dan 73.

Hanafi - 9W2TZ - Alor Setar.
p/s: terima kasih kerana sudi share ilmu di dada... kalu bole kami nak lagi.. jika sudi...hehehhehe


Thursday, August 13, 2009


salam semua,

yang lulus tahniah yang tak berjaya jangan kuciwa cuba lagi... gagal itu lebih baik gagal mencuba daripada gagal tidak berbuat ape...



Monday, August 3, 2009

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2009

link dari sesawang
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2009

Written by 9M2SQL - Abdul Mutalib Omar

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend is an International Event Where Amateur Radio Operator will setup a Station within Lighthouse Compound and try to contact other lighthouse all around the world. The event is always held on the 3rd full weekend in August starting at 0001 UTC on Saturday and finishing at 2359 UTC on Sunday. The objective of this event is to promote public awareness of lighthouses and lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, to promote amateur radio and to foster International goodwill. This event is open to all. the detail of the event as below :

Friday 14th to Sunday 16th of August 2009

Altingsburg Light House Bukit Malawati, Kuala Selangor.
GPS 03°20.5' N, 101°14.8' E

RM100 per person
(including 2 day and 2 night Chalet, Food and Transportation)


Event open to everybody.
Registration for the event is now open and will be closed by midnight Friday 31 July 2009.
No "walk-In" participants allowed during the event.
Registration is confirmed when full payment is made to Event Treasurer (Maz 9W2MIT. Email : ).
Payment must be made no later than midnight Friday 31 July 2009.
Payments made will not be refunded as the Accommodation of the Chalet has been book from the chalet cannot be cancelled.

Payment Method:
1. Bank-In Payment
1.1 Deposit full amount into Account ----"pls refer mares web site"
1.2 Provide the following details to the Event Treasurer. - Name of participant(s) - Amount paid - Deposit Slip Number/Transaction Code - Date & Time of deposit
1.3 Event Treasurer will provide a confirmation number upon confirmation of deposit.
2. Cash Payment
2.1 Pay full amount to Event Treasurer.
2.2 Event Treasurer will provide a confirmation number.

Mutalib 9M2SQL
Maz 9W2MIT

"p/s: minat kalu silakan lah... byk ilmu oo"